First, I would like to draw your attention to this:

The adventures of a college student trying to live a healthy lifestyle!
Dude why does that always end up so tiny? Sorry y'all!! I tried to make it bigger and it got really blurry!
If anyone can't read that and wants me to type it all out, leave a comment and I'll do it in my next post!
There were a TON of people at the 5K walk. I heard later that there were something like 3,000+, which I really didn't expect!! I got a picture of the starting line but Blogger refuses to size it the way I want it, so take my word for it...there were a TON of people.
I enjoyed my normal breakfast of cereal and yogurt before heading out. When I got to the expo, there was a table giving out mini Larabars, so of course I had one (unpictured). It was the Coconut Cream Pie flavor and it was delicious. I ended up coming back post-race to grab a Cherry Pie Larabar. Also very good.
The weather was absolutely perfect - not too hot, not too cold! The only complaint I had about the course is that they ran out of water stations at the very end. Next time, I'll bring my own water bottle!