Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Studying + social networking + blogs = productive? Eh, not so much.

In fact, I'm adding that to the survival guide.

  • Stay off myspace, facebook, twitter, blogs, etc. until you're done studying! In fact, just close the laptop and just walk away...

Haha. Like that's gonna happen, right?

Anyway. I finally tried the Kashi TLC Peanut Peanut Butter bars the other day, and they're good, but I still prefer the Dark Mocha Almond ones. What can I say? I like dark chocolate. ;)

Continuing on the random many of you have seen this website? I discovered it today on another blog and had to check it out. All I have to say is AHHH! Seriously, how do people come up with this stuff?? What are your thoughts on it?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"this is your anthem, get your hands up!"

And now...a break in the "Finals Week Survival Guide" series...a music break!! Feel free to plug it into your own workout playlist...or just listen and enjoy...

Artist: Superchic[k]
Song: Anthem
Album: Beauty From Pain (2006)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Finals Week Survival Guide, part 2

I said in the last post that I'd be adding some of my favorite "study break" workouts soon! Well, here they are.
If you're anything like me, you get sleepy while studying. (Confession: I *have* fallen asleep while studying before...oops! ;) ) When I start getting sleepy, I'll do one of these workouts, and presto, I'm awake. ;) All of them are are fairly easy, and all of them are 20 minutes and under.

First up:

Do the 1 mile walk. It runs 15-20 minutes. If you're studying a super boring subject and need to wake up, this is the best one to do!


A 10 minute rhythmic stretch. This is probably the easiest one of the bunch - it's all about stretching!


20 minute Pilates workout. If you've never done Pilates, ignore the next 2 and do this one. It's longer, but it's easier.


If you have any Pilates/yoga experience, go for this one. It's probably the most intense Pilates workout of the bunch. 10 minutes. Difficulty level: intermediate.


Not super easy, but not super hard either. 10 minutes. Difficulty level: beginner to intermediate.

So, as you can see, there are some "study break" workout options for everyone, in shape or not! And now you'll stay awake while you're studying. ;)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Finals Week Survival Guide, part 1

If you're a college student, you're doing 1 of 3 things right now...
  1. Stressing about your upcoming finals
  2. In the middle of studying for finals
  3. Celebrating being done with finals (if this is you, I am jealous!!)

If you're #1 or 2, then I present to you the Finals Week Survival Guide!! Take a quick study break and read up:

Tip #1: Cramming does not work!!
~Trust me. If you have a tough final coming up, start studying 15-30 minutes per day about a week and a half in advance. It WILL help. Cramming or pulling an all nighter the night before the exam will just make you really tired the next day. Start your studying at least a week before, and you'll see a difference.

Tip #2: Bring a friend.
~If a friend is taking the same course you are, study with them a couple days before the exam! Or, better yet, if you know a few people in your class, get a study group together. Everyone in your class busy? Study via Facebook. Hello Facebook Chat!

Tip #3: Take study breaks.
~This builds off #1's "Cramming does not work" tip. Yes, you should study the day before a final. However, when you do, take a 10-20 minute study break if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed. Exercise a little, put on a favorite song, grab a healthy snack. (I'll be posting some of my favorite 10-20 minute workouts within the next couple days!)

Tip #4: Go to bed.
~Repeat after me: "Studying after midnight the night before a final will not magically transport the course material into my brain." GO TO BED. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep the night before a final. If you're rested, you'll remember more.

More tips and "study break" workout suggestions coming within the next few days!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

More snacky goodness!

Once again, I'm late to the party on this one. I can't believe I just discovered this yummy snack a couple weeks ago...

I've tried the Dark Mocha Almond, Dark Chocolate Coconut, and Cherry Dark Chocolate. (Seeing a trend yet?? I love dark chocolate. It's good for you AND delicious!) I have a box of Peanut Peanut Butter ones waiting for me as soon as I finish the box of Dark Mocha Almond ones I bought on Wednesday. Or maybe I'll open them tomorrow. ;) If you need a nice little boost either before or after class, grab one of these and eat it on the run!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stick to fruit...

I always like trying healthy new snacks...or at least snacks that *appear* healthy. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad. This one definitely struck out with me...

It looked like a mini version of a cobbler, and I like cobbler, so I decided to try it! The package says you can heat it up for about 20 seconds before adding the crumble, so I did. Cobbler this isn't. The pineapple and mango have very little flavor, and the fruit sauce it comes in is too sweet. My advice? If you want a healthier mini cobbler that bad, make your own! All you need is a sliced apple (or other fruit of your choice), granola, cinnamon, and a microwave. Or better yet, just snack on a regular piece of fruit.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Procrastination and a good workout song :)

Look at that, I'm updating more than once a week! :) Yay for procrastinating on homework! ;)

Anyway, I think I'll post one of my current favorite workout songs for y'all to enjoy and maybe add to your own workout playlist!!

I like to rotate my workout playlist A LOT. I'm always adding new songs and taking out the ones that I'm tired of listening to. It keeps my workout interesting, which is really important. Boring workout = less motivation.

(10 points if you can find my screen name in this fair looking up the lyrics! haha)

Artist: BarlowGirl
Song: Million Voices
Album: How Can We Be Silent (2007)

You will probably see me post more good workout songs from the Barlow sisters in the future - they have quite a few!

Anyways. Enjoy the song!

::EDIT:: For some reason, I'm not seeing a link to comment on this post...anyone else having this problem??

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hi, I'm breakingsilence, and I am a late bandwagon jumper!

Haha. Now, what is this bandwagon that I've jumped on later than everyone else?
The Greek yogurt bandwagon, of course!
I had several people tell me I should give it a try. I tried the Oikos Blueberry Fruit on the Bottom flavor, and it was really good! I normally go for the YoCrunch 100 calorie cups if I want yogurt (there will probably be a separate post on those, still love them), but these are just as good, and have more protein than regular yogurt! So, if you're studying for an exam and need a little pick-me-up, or if you have a part-time job and need a little something to tie you over until you get off work, I'd definitely recommend grabbing one of these. Well, not necessarily this brand, but any Greek yogurt. Note: If it's your first time eating it, stick to the Fruit on the Bottom varieties, no matter what brand you choose. I mistakenly picked up a Vanilla one and it was a bit...sour. Oops. ;) Next time, I'll be adding fruit or granola!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The name of the blog is kind of misleading...

...because I'm not a college freshman anymore! But I am in college, and I thought it fit.


Once upon a time (back during high school) I blogged. A LOT.

Over the past couple years, however, blogging has definitely fallen by the wayside. I'd like to start again, but this time with more of a focus: living a healthy lifestyle as a college student! It's hard - as most of us discovered our first year or so of college in the form of "the freshman 15". But it is entirely possible to eat right and stay in shape while studying for exams and having a social life, and I'm proof of that!!

My goal is to update once a week with workout tips/ideas and yummy, good-for-you snacks that you can find in any grocery store...because, let's face it, college students are poor! Haha. :p We can't always afford the really good organic stuff...or have the time to find it, for that matter. That's why, when I do food posts, it'll be concentrating on healthy (or at least healthier than what you're eating right now!) snacks that a busy student can just grab and go!

That's pretty much it for now. Here we go...