Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fall 2010, let's go!!

Dear Fall 2010:
I have never been happier for a new semester to get here. Please go better than Summer 2010 did.
Love, breakingsilence

That's not to say that parts of my summer weren't amazing. I got to hang out with every single one of my best girl friends this summer. That has NEVER happened before. There's always someone I can't get together with, but somehow I managed to pull it off this year. Lots of laughter + lots of Starbucks consumed = AWESOME. Oh, and I kicked macroeconomics' butt. Haha. That part of Summer 2010 = A+

The rest of summer 2010 = Ehh. I don't really care to go into the whole story. Let's just say that anything that inspires a blogger to write a series on Dealing With Drama can't be good.

The new semester starts next week, and I CANNOT WAIT. It's gonna be fabulous, I can tell. :)

Oh, and I want this shirt. --> click

Question: I'm going to be running around campus a LOT next semester. I need some suggestions on healthy and portable snacks I can slip in my purse and munch on in between classes. Anything?

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